Dr. Gohar Kristina Gasparyan, a graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College, is a firm believer of patient-centered care. She has practiced Chiropractic and Lifestyle Coaching in Europe where she fined tuned her skills and integrated new approaches in her practice. Dr. Gasparyan’s treatment approach is based on the fact that a multitude of ailments are caused by imbalances in physiological processes. A simple neck pain could have multiple sources including an inappropriate seating posture, a back injury or a headache. Dr. Gasparyan will identify the exact source of discomfort and will address it in its entirety. The approach will include chiropractic manipulation, muscle release and education on lifestyle and natural supplements.
Dr. Gasparyan firmly believes in the benefits of augmenting natural healing processes with drug-free approaches, but is also well aware that some cases require a multifaceted methodology. In order to tent to the needs of these complex cases, our Center has partnered with providers offering complementary therapy including surgical and pharmaceutical intervention.
Dr. Gasparyan firmly believes in the benefits of augmenting natural healing processes with drug-free approaches, but is also well aware that some cases require a multifaceted methodology. In order to tent to the needs of these complex cases, our Center has partnered with providers offering complementary therapy including surgical and pharmaceutical intervention.